Saturday, 29 May 2010

underwater city soon to be.....

Recognise this place? Bet you do.. It is world's renowned Venice...

and thats the effect of global warming......

The one thing that bewildered me is that everyone looks so calm...

Life still have to go on I guess.... even if you will be living with other aquatic organisms... =P

Hope this raise your awareness~~~


Right.. ^^


Friday, 28 May 2010

Innovation = Obnoxious?

Heyyyyy guys..

its me again....

just found this video really interesting....

Just think that sometime innovation could be taking us a little toooo far.........

By the by

Microsoft is noooo longer the biggest tecnology company in the world......

Congratulation to our favourite iphone/ipod/mac producers........ ^^


read this if you don't believe me.....

i m on a technology frenzy... so i am gonna blog more about technology and stufff....

there is just too much too write about in one post... LOL......


Thursday, 27 May 2010

hiiii again


finally i can get in.....

been trying to get in here since last september............


hi everyone how are you?

the three blogger are currently having their AS examination....

emiko should be having her physcis soon and snow is jobless n thats why she is here.....

sorry that i haven't been updating much...... >.<

but i kinda decide to start blogging........

1st of all... if anyone has noticed.. yes... all the bloggers have turned 18........ still dont really admit that... but ah welll......... so we are all legal to drive and drink........

2nd... happy birthday to olivia anggggggggg....... who just turned a year older this monday.. <3

3rd.... wish everyone whos having examination good luck....

So what have i been doing for the last 7 months?


I ll tell u next time...
