My housemistress and people who are in charge of the school house and college house organised a weekend activity for boarders. We went to York Dungeon. It's a tourist attraction. York dungeon is kinda like a place where "actor or actress" tell stories or history about York. It can be a scary place for the faint hearted, it might be quite a interesting place for those who like history or something and a boring place for the people who want something more challenging. I find it not bad and not that scary. I want something more SCARY please. Somewhere that i can really scream and cry cos i freak out or something.
Planning to go down to London this half term and definitely going to London Dungeon. Hopefully it's more interesting than York Dungeon.
Before going in, feeling really scared. (ya right)
seniors and us.
Inside the york dungeon:

One of the actors
He is a surgeon and you have to see how he put his hand into the corpse's body and dig out intestine and liver and whatever. AND AND AND actually licked it. It's not real corpse, duh. BUT it looked disgusting.
We weren't suppose to take picture. This actor gave us permission to take a picture of him(above).

This is fake btw.
That is all we took in the dungeon. There were more different parts inside like talking about Dick Turpin, the court, some ways of torturing prisoners in the past, etc.

End with a picture we took in the york dungeon as in the camera in the dungeon. After touring York dungeon, we can choose to buy the picture or not. One for 6 pounds and two for 10 pounds.
I was holding an axe but the camera didn't took it. And hey, take a look at Kidah's expression...